We proudly present you our grand theme for this year, “Improving Youth’s Power through Dental Science Exploration” ??? Depa’s Infection is an annual event of Denta Paramitha FKG UGM which include DentistryRead More…
We proudly present you our grand theme for this year, “Improving Youth’s Power through Dental Science Exploration” ??? Depa’s Infection is an annual event of Denta Paramitha FKG UGM which include DentistryRead More…
This year Depa’s Infection would like to proudly present to you our new logo with new philosophy and new concept. Stay keep up with us and we’re waiting for your excitement toRead More…
You can download the guidelines here: don’t forget to submit your paper before October, 8th 2018, to our email
[THE FINALISTS OF UGM DENTAL STUDENT RESEARCH COMPETITION] ? We are excited to announce the finalists for the “5th UGM DENTAL STUDENT RESEARCH COMPETITION” This year, all the abstracts was trulyRead More…
Here is the link for the guidelines and the registration form of UGM Dental Research Guidelines and Registration Form: For further information, please contact us on our social media.
Depa’s Infection #8 proundly present “THE 4th UGM DENTAL STUDENT RESEARCH COMPETITION” We are calling you, all undergraduate & postgraduate dental students in ASEAN region to join this competition By joining thisRead More…
[INFO SEMINAR] Pasti sudah tidak sabar kan menunggu update info dari kami? Depa’s Infection #8 dengan bangga mempersembahkan Seminar Nasional Kedokteran Gigi dengan tema “How to Achieve Biomimetics in Dentistry”Read More…
[THIS YEAR THEME] Kalian pasti penasaran kan apa tema yang akan diusung Depa’s Infection #8 ? So yeah here we go…. Depa’s infection #8 officially announce our grand theme : “BuildRead More…
[WE ARE BACK] The wait is no longer ⏳ One of our big event is coming really soon !! Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi UGM proudly present DEPA’S INFECTION #8 “Build up your potential,Read More…
[CITY TOUR AROUND YOGYAKARTA] Congratulations for those who made it to the final!!! ? We would like to annouce a good news to all of the finalists that the committees of UDSRCRead More…